I’m losing my shit with cabin fever and the uncertainty caused by the coronavirus.
I call out to God, “What do I do now?”
“God answers, “Go to Ace Hardware with your wife. They have Clorox Wipes in stock.”
This isn’t the answer I expected to my existential question. It is, however, the general trend of my everyday life.
My universe is shrinking to the size of a needle point.
I am like a young colt in a corral; restive, and longing for greener, unbounded pastures.
Is this a preview of my inevitable end?
I hope not.
The lesson is learned.
When the hand opens the corral gate, take full advantage of every moment given to you.
#actnow #rants #restive #present #cabinfever #restless #newnormal #doing #reflections #presence #lessons #fun #actions #inspiration #lockdown #lessonslearned