To experience serenity, I think of the word “see.”
To feel serene, I remember that a wise person sees the big picture. From this heightened perspective, I am free from the tension and anxiety that too often pushes its way into my awareness to eclipse the spontaneous joy my soul wants to feel.
I think of the big picture as a three hundred and sixty degree panoramic view of a beautiful countryside from the top of a mountain. This view is always available and waiting for me when I want to experience serenity instead of struggle.
To go to the mountain top, I change my point of view from being the center of the universe to being a part of it. I remember that serenity and boundless joy are my birthright.
I have found it is a good practice to take time daily to sit alone in a peaceful environment to claim my birthright. A daily dose of serenity has changed my life for the better. Peace is inside of everyone. The awakening person seeks peace first before everything else.
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